Satisfaction Guaranteed

Or We Work for Free!

Our entire focus is on property management, so it’s only fitting we do it well.

We want your business and we’re happy to work for free while we earn your trust – contact us today to find out more.

Not Satisfied? Free Management!

If for any reason you are not satisfied with our service, simply inform us why and we will charge you zero property management fees for the next month. If at any time our customer service does not meet your expectations, all you need to do is let us know and we’ll wipe our management fees for the next month, Free!

Join Us – Free Management!

Make the switch to Smart Rentals and we will manage your property for free! It’s a win-win situation, with no risk to you. We’ll manage your property for free while we build a relationship and work to earn your trust. If you’re dissatisfied with our service at any time you can leave – no questions asked.

Refer a Friend – Free Management (or $300!)

Refer another property owner who joins the Smart Rentals family and we’ll reward you with two months management of your property for free. If you refer friends to us regularly it’s possible we could be managing your property for free for quite some time.  Prefer cash? We will pay you $300 for each successful referral instead.